Google Releases New Holiday Webmaster Help Video
Happy end of the year, fellow Internet addicts! Matt Cutts just released a new Webmaster Help video – and this one’s short and sweet. In it, Matt Cutts, head of Google’s webspam team, offers up a few...
View ArticleU.S.A.: Sorry, We’re Not Signing the ITU Treaty
The United States laid down the law on December 13, 2012: No dice, ITU. An official statement by Terry Kramer sealed the deal, and the U.S. ambassador had this to say to those in attendance at the...
View ArticleWhat 2012 Taught Me about Search
2012 has arguably been a more eventful year for Google than the past few years combined. I should know – I write about this stuff. All year long, I read more news about the search giant than my brain...
View ArticleGoogle’s Disavow Link Tool – How Effective is It?
Have you used Google’s “disavow links” tool to manicure the backlink profile of your website yet? If not, prepare yourself for some bumps in the road if you should decide to give it a go. The tool’s...
View ArticleThe Rebirth of E-mail Marketing
Remember e-mail marketing? Many consider the practice a dying art; a marketing technique that’s fallen by the wayside in favor of social media. Well, things are starting to look up for the old school...
View ArticleGoogle Not Blocking Sites – Deliberate or Oversight?
I recently came across a couple of articles on WebProNews and Search Engine Roundtable that both reported on Google’s new found inability (or unwillingness?) to continue blocking sites that users...
View ArticleFTC’s Google Ruling: Reactions Around the Web
The verdict is in, folks. After months of hoop jumping and a highly criticized last-minute delay, the FTC has finally issued a ruling for its 19-month Google probe. The probe centered on Google’s...
View ArticleAnother Cutts Video on Negative SEO: Deciphering the Subtext
Heads up, my interweb amigos! Matt Cutts, head of Google’s webspam team, has just released another Webmaster Help video on YouTube. This time, the topic de jour is negative SEO and ways in which...
View ArticleEU to Google — Quit Diverting Traffic
Looks like Google may not be getting off the hook as easily as it did when the FTC’s probe wrapped up in early January. There’s been speculation across the board that the European Union will come down...
View ArticleGoogle – One Way or the Other, We’re Gonna Get YOU
I talk a lot of smack about Google, but I need to come clean with you guys about something. I simply adore the Google Chrome browser for general web surfing. It’s lightweight, highly intuitive, and a...
View Article2012 Search Marketer Survey Results: The Rules Have Changed
Ever wonder how much dough those search marketers are raking in? Yeah, me too. Professionals who carry the title tend to keep pretty hush-hush about their earnings, but an agency called SEMPO manages...
View ArticleFacebook Graph Search – Google Threat or Internet Joke?
The possibility of a Facebook search engine has been giving Google the sweats for quite some time now. The search giant may be the most powerful Internet company in the world, but Zuck and Co. have...
View ArticleFacebook Passwords Off-Limits for Many Employers
A few months ago, I read that employers were demanding Facebook passwords from potential employees. I was incredulous — that had to be illegal, right? Turns out, it wasn’t. In fact, the gross breech of...
View ArticleThe Future of Keyword Analysis – Blackout to Keyword Apocalypse
Lately, when I log into my Google Analytics account to view my blog’s stats, it seems like the list of keywords people use to find my site is beginning to dwindle. I still see the usual assortment of...
View ArticleGoogle: Passwords Aren’t Cutting It Anymore
Have you heard about the wave of hacked Gmail accounts plaguing the Net over the past couple of years? It’s the reason Big G’s been doubling up its security efforts by adding features such as two-step...
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